Family: True Love

Greetings Family!

 Please pardon my delayed May post, but there was so much that I enjoyed, saw, and experienced that required recognition and processing.  Read on and hopefully you’ll understand!

In its own right, May was and is a rather auspicious and sentimental month.  It is a non-stop month of celebration.  Don’t take my word for it, Google or Bing it.  You’ll find a host of fests, holidays and engagements that all emphasize birth, healing, service and renewal.  May is only the proud sponsor of Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, the Virgin Mary, International Nurses Day, Cinco de Mayo, Labor and Liberation Day (May Day), and over 30 other observations closely related to family, health and unity!  Oh, and did I mention my eldest sister’s birthday … Smile?  It is certainly no wonder that I feel such a strong sense of purpose and optimism during this magical month!

However even more magical in contemplation is the driving force behind my everyday existence – my Family.  More than just a part of a month, the love, safety, happiness, well-being, and security of and for my family is my number one priority.  I am certain that it is my upbringing, my foundation that has given me this incredible desire to love so deeply and so genuinely.  So, as I proceed through life, I would really like to focus on accomplishing two tasks in terms of my family. 

The first would be to give continuous praise, thanks, encouragement, and support to my biological family.  Ours is a rich history of nurturers, educators, helpers, healers and strengtheners.  We are courageous in our efforts to establish, maintain, renew and replenish our ties that bind.  We invoke and expect growth and harmony.  We offer love, inclusion, acceptance and tolerance, even during the most difficult of times.  Thus we are ‘positively’ affected by adversity, demonstrating the skills required to overcome the many obstacles of life. 

I’m so proud to have inherited my lineage and I’ll do what’s necessary to uphold, transfer, transmit and transcend this bounty!

Secondly, I would like to persuade others to connect and identify with the positive attributes of their families.  While we all have our own definition of ‘family’, I would hope and pray that you seek to promote all of the factors that contribute to their growth, well-being and happiness.  I would like to encourage you to have hope for them, regardless of their status and/or actions.  No matter how painful it may be watching your family inflict pain and negativity into their and your lives… just keep saying… and this too shall pass.  Remember the good times and know that whether this is your biological, church, school, social, work or any other type of family; the joyful times are always there.  We just have to be willing to see, acknowledge and uplift them. 

We are not perfect.  We all have moments of weakness, temporary failure, imperfections, doubt, longing … and the like.  But as a true commitment to you and your family, work hard to understand how to implement balance.  I am assured that this will help to create and maintain that unconditional love and loyalty that breeds love.  Yes, it is challenging but this is the stuff of which evolution is made.  Even after our loved ones are gone, our love for them continues to grow, evolve and even inspire.  So when life seems overwhelmingly daunting, think of how these feelings and experiences can translate into strength, passion, and growth for another family member. After all, our lives are for the benefit of others; why not bestow your blessings to family?  Finally, I spent May reminding myself of the importance of my families.  I have resolved that I Don’t ever want to be afraid, unwilling or too disinterested to enjoy, protect and promote my family. 

 Be Encouraged Family!